5 Ways to Choose an Australian Immigration Consultant

Australia is known for having one of the worldโ€™s most advanced migration systems, with thousands of migrants entering the country annually. Due to the high level of salaries that Australia pays skilled professionals, the world-class healthcare, top notch education systems and social security, Australia is a very popular choice among migrants. If you are looking for a way to move to Australia and you want the best and easiest pathway, going through an immigration consultant is your best option. There are multiple immigration consultants specialised in Australian cases situated in Dubai, like IMM.

Australian Immigration Consultant

However, choosing the right immigration consultant might be a challenge. As this is a vital step in yours and your familyโ€™s future, it needs to be carefully considered and well thought out. Therefore, weโ€™ve prepared the top 5 things you need to consider when choosing an Australian immigration consultant.

  1. Are they registered?

Immigration requires trusting a third party with a life-altering decision and highly important documents. Therefore, it is crucial that the consultant you entrust such information with is reliable and trustworthy. Although a registered migration agent cannot fast-track the processing period or guarantee you a visa, you are assured that they are knowledgeable in migration laws, have been cleared by the national police and are a legitimate agency. Anyone can put together a visa application, but if you are choosing to go through an immigration consultant, it is essential that they are registered so that the correct procedures are followed. In Australia, the body that registers and regulates migration agents is known as the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority (OMARA). You could click this site to check if your consultant has been registered with OMARA.

  1. What is their success rate?

There are many consultants that are registered, but do they have a great success rate for immigration to Australia? This is yet another point of consideration. An immigration application could be quite a taxing investment on oneโ€™s finances, emotional health, energy and time. Therefore, it is important to consider whether the agency you choose to trust with such a crucial process has the statistics that favour your chances of a successful application. Obviously, the higher the success rate, the greater the chances of you being able to make your dream a reality.

  1. Do they actually have an in depth knowledge of immigration laws and processes?

Immigration applications to any country are known for being difficult to understand and quite confusing. They require multiple supporting documents and the process is designed in such a way that if your application is not in the expected order, is missing a document or one segment is not filled in correctly, it would be rejected. Therefore, when picking your immigration consultant, it is important to check if they have in depth knowledge of the latest immigration laws and processes. They might have a high success rate and be certified, but they must also be able to provide up-to-date information and guidance on immigration to Australia. For example, Manjula Kulatunga is a registered migration consultant with a Masterโ€™s degree specialising in Business Migration and Investment. His 7 years of experience in facilitating clientele from the Gulf Region to successfully migrate to Australia speaks to the knowledge and guidance he can provide.

  1. How is their communication?

Immigration applications could be a long, dreary and stressful process. Therefore, it is important that the consultant you choose does not add to the stress but clarifies details, remains calm under pressure, reassures you and is able to communicate all the details well and on time. A good relationship with your agent is key to a favourable immigration application. If your first interaction with a possible agent hints at delayed responses, curt replies or vague answers, weโ€™d recommend you to keep looking until you find an agent that is very easy to converse with. You need to be able to build a relationship for it to work.

  1. Have they been recommended to you?

Statistics, qualifications, knowledge and your personal experience might be telling of the standard of the agency, but it is also important to find out what other peopleโ€™s experience with the consultant has been. As each case an immigration consultant deals with is distinctively unique, it is imperative to discover whether or not the consultant is consistent in their work. Even though websites and blogs could include reviews, a personal recommendation might give you more insight than all of the online reviews combined. So ask around, from your friends, family, colleagues, and anyone you may think would be able to offer you solid support in the area, and find out whether the consultant you have picked is actually the best pick for you.

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